Here are a few spooky-looking or spooky-named fall-blooming orchids from the state of Florida:
odontopetala, or the toothpetal false rein orchid, is in flower now.
The small, 1/2-inch-wide flowers look like small goblins. The
spiderwebs add to the spooky effect. Did I mention that these flowers
are only fragrant at night? Haunting Florida swamps and forests with
their ghostly fragrance.
fall-blooming orchid, the Wild Coco (Eulophia alta) blooms in September
in central Florida, spreading into December in south Florida. The
flowers have somewhat of a resemblance to erect-eared, fanged dog heads.
With multiple "heads" per spike (which can reach up to five feet
tall), these are a worthy botanical analogue of Cerberus, the
multi-headed dog guarding the underworld in Greco-Roman mythology.
this orchid blooms in summertime, although occasional fall-blooming
plants are found. Still, with the common name of Ghost Orchid,
Dendrophylax lindenii is a perfect Halloween orchid. It is also keenly
night fragrant, pollinated by the Giant Sphinx Moth that also inhabits
Florida's haunted southern swamps.
Click the "View the Gallery" graphic at the top of this blog page to see many more photos of Florida's amazing orchids.
It all sucks.
I knew it would hurt even worse this time around. But I didn’t expect the
visceral gut punch, ripping out of my appendix, cutting off the blood
supply to t...
2 weeks ago