These flowers really are remarkable in how they replicate the orchid flower structure in such a small package of just a few thousand cells (you can see the individual plant cells in the upper of the two images above), as opposed to the millions of cells that comprise larger orchid flowers. Amazingly enough, these miniscule marvels produce a potent night fragrance, not unlike baby powder mixed with a bit of a grassy undernote.
This species is an inhabitant of small twigs of cypress, eastern red cedar, pop ash, pond apple, and occasional old citrus groves. After flowering, the seed pods expand to become one of the most conspicuous aspects of this plant, turning a deep brownish orange prior to dehiscing. But even with all these hints, they will still be notoriously hard to find.
You can read more about this species on its profile page on the Florida Native and Naturalized Orchids site:
>>> Click to View Dendrophylax porrectus profile page <<<
1 comment:
Hi, Prem. Beautiful post! I haven't blogged in quite some time, but finally posted...linked to your website (specifically re. Monk orchid). Hope all is well with you and your family!
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