A recent field trip to a known area in north-central Florida netted us this rare beauty. The Oval Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes ovalis) is very rarely seen, owing to its small stature and its general rarity.
After roughly an hour of hunting (during which time we saw several Spiranthes odorata in flower), we finally began to find some of these plants along with the natural hybrid/intergrade between these two, Spiranthes x ichteuckneensis.
Look for updates soon to my website with this species, along with the others we found that day.
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Memoria Crispin Rosales 'Volcano Queen'
If you want a large purple Cattleya flower you cannot go wrong with the
hybrid Rlc. Memoria Crispin Rosales. There are a number of clones of this
2 weeks ago