I covered Copper Ladies' Tresses (Mesadenus lucayanus) in a previous post. As is often the case, I use this blog as a way to get some information and photographs out prior to setting up a formal profile on the Florida Native Orchids website. In this case, quite a bit of time has elapsed between the initial blog entry and the plant profile, as I put my focus on setting up other profiles and generally updating the website to fully utilize MySQL and PHP for the orchid gallery.
So, after a very long delay, here finally is the profile for Copper Ladies Tresses on the Florida Native Orchids site (click the thumbnail below to visit the profile):
Scenes from the Field – July/August 2024
Long-tailed skipper caterpillar (Urbanus proteus) Viceroy caterpillar
(Limenitis archippus) Banded sphinx (Eumorpha fasciatus) – 3rd instar
Banded sphinx (...
2 days ago